How to Get rid of Dark Neck

1. Lemon Juice For Lightening Dark Neck Skin: Lemon juice contains citric acid that works as a natural bleaching agent. Further, it’s packed with vitamin C, which aids in removing dead skin cells and lightening skin tone. Due to the bleaching properties of lemon juice, it acts effectively to lighten the dark complexion of your skin on the neck area.
2. Oats To Get Rid Of Dark Skin On Neck: Oats is an effective home remedy for dark skin spots and patches on neck. As most people don’t pay proper attention to cleanse their necks, their necks get dirty with the oil and fine grit deposits. This makes the neck looks patchy and dark. Oats can be applied as a natural scrub, as well as a mask for dark neck when combined with certain other skin lightening ingredients.
(a) Oatmeal powder and milk.
(b) Oats powder and honey.
(c) Oats powder and yogurt.
3. Baking Soda For Removing Dark Patches On Neck Skin: Baking Soda works as a natural exfoliant for getting rid of hyper-pigmentation that forms on and around the neck. It cleanses the neck skin and slowly removes dark, discolored patches on the neck skin. Mix three parts of baking soda and one part of water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your neck and allow it to dry, and then wash it off with water. Follow this home remedy two times a week to lighten the dark skin on your neck.
4. Cucumber To Improve Your Neck Skin Complexion: Cucumber has soothing properties, which can help repair skin cells, get rid of dead skin cells and add glow to the neck skin. It works to brighten your dark neck.
(a) Apply grated cucumber or cucumber juice and apply all over your neck and gently scrub the neck with cucumber for about 10 minutes. Wash it off and apply some rose water. You can follow this routine daily to get rid of dark spots on your neck skin fast.
(b) An alternative effective option is to mix cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal parts, and apply it onto your neck skin with the help of cotton balls. Let it sit there for about 10 minutes and wash it off with water. You can follow this remedy for quick results.
5. Orange Peel Mask To Lighten Neck Dark Skin: Vitamin C and anti-oxidants in orange are also helpful in making skin light and improve skin tone. It can be used for cleansing the skin as well as bleaching it.
(i) Dry out some orange peel. Always dry the peel in shade and never in the sun to conserve its vitamin C and antioxidants contents.
(ii) Grind the dried orange peel into a powder. Mix the orange peel powder with an equal amount of whole milk to form a thick paste.
(iii) Apply the mask on and around your neck and let it dry for about 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with water.
(iv) An alternative option is to grate the orange peel and mix orange juice with it. Now rub this mixture onto your neck and let it sit there for 10 minutes, and then wash it off. You can do it daily.
6. Potato – A Potent Agent To Bleach Your Neck Skin: Potato contains an enzyme, catecholase, well known for its bleaching properties and its abilities to lighten dark skin on your neck, thus a good home treatment for dark neck skin. It also helps in getting rid of dark spots, blemishes, acne scars and dark circles. Here are few ways in which you can use potato remedy for dark skin on neck:
This home remedy can also be used for diminishing dark spots, dark circles and acne scars.
7. Aloe Vera Natural Skin Lightener For Dark Neck: It not only acts as a skin lightener, but moisturizes it also. It helps in lightening skin color, as well as in reducing skin spots. It is also packed with antioxidants and many other compounds that help repair and regenerate skin cells. It’s one of the best natural cleansers for skin and can be fruitfully used by those having dark neck with pigmentation.
Take out pure aloe vera gel from a leaf. Apply it directly all on and around your neck, leaving it there for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Apply this remedy daily to get rid of dark patches on neck.
8. Chickpea Flour – A Natural Scrubber To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Neck: It acts as an effective scrubber to get remove dark skin patches from your neck. Chickpea flour is best when used with turmeric that has antiseptic properties and is used for many skin problems. Whereas chickpea cleanses your skin, turmeric lightens your neck skin to get rid of dark patches..
9. Almonds Mask For Neck: Almond is rich source of vitamins that are vital for skin health. The vitamins in almonds rejuvenate neck skin and its oil contents work to moisturize the skin to make it soft and supple. Further, the almonds have those properties that can get rid of discoloration of the skin. Here are some ways to treat dark skin on neck.
10. Walnuts Scrub To Get Rid Of Black Neck: Walnuts are rich source of vitamins and zinc that help in nourishing your skin. They maintain your skin hydrated, which is necessary for keeping your skin healthy. Try these walnuts scrub to treat dark skin on your neck.
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