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    How to Get rid of House Flies Naturally

    1. Vodka-based Repellent
    Flies hate the smell of vodka, which is one of the reasons why this alcohol-based recipe is a great natural product to assist in getting rid of them.
    In a glass spray bottle, mix one cup of vodka with two teaspoons of aloe vera juice and a teaspoon of organic lemon eucalyptus oil. Then spray the solution in all the areas that you know are infested with flies. It’s good to also apply it to areas that might not have flies yet in order to discourage them from going there after leaving the spot they’re already in. This blend is also safe to add to your skin if you find that they tend to latch on to you, or if you’re suffering from allergy problems caused by flies.
    2. Lemon Stuffed with Cloves
    This technique works well for both indoor and outdoor situations and anecdotal evidence suggests it is an effective way of repelling flies. All that needs to be done for this method, is to place whole cloves in a half lemon, and wedge in as many of the cloves as you can fit into the flesh. Place the lemon half in a bowl, and let it do its job.  If you plan on having a barbecue or picnic outside in your garden, be sure to set this up at least 30 minutes prior to sitting out there.
    3. Apple Cider Vinegar Trap
    Whether the fly problem you’re dealing with is indoors or outdoors, this natural, easy to make flytrap is one of the most effective methods out there.
    Simply get a bowl and fill it three-quarters of the way with apple cider vinegar and add in a drop of dish soap. The dish soap allows the liquid in the bowl to have a more firm surface that eventually causes the flies to fall into the vinegar without them being able to predict what’s happening. Just be sure to remove all other temptations for the flies on the table or counter that the trap will be placed on, so that there isn’t any distraction away from the bowl. 
    4. Fragrant Herbs as a Repellent
    Another way to completely deter flies from your garden is to plant aromatic and fragrant herbs such as lavender, basil, and mint. If you are growing vegetables outdoors, it can be helpful to put in bunches of these herbs surrounding your produce as it would effectively discourage the flies from hanging around. If you aren’t able to grow any herbs, the dried form of any of them will work just fine if they are bundled and tied inside of a cheese cloth. Then, just hang them in the affected areas.
    5. Pennies in Water
    This old Latin American trick ensures that flies will stay away, even if it doesn’t seem like pennies would be an instinctive repellent. Simply place glasses of water around the food that you feel is in danger of being attacked by the flies, and throw in about four or five pennies in each one. You’ll likely be shocked to find that the flies will come nowhere near your meal as long as the glasses are there, as they hate being around the copper that’s in pennies – while it’s not known exactly why, some believe the insects think that the pennies are the “eyes” of a much bigger, more dominant bug looking at them.
    6. Milk Sugar Pepper Traps
    This type of trap has been found to work wonderfully with all flies, but it’s especially effective for combating fruit flies. First, take a saucepan and heat up one cup of milk, three teaspoons of sugar, and one tablespoon of pepper. Allow the mixture to simmer for five to 10 minutes and then pour the mixture in a shallow bowl. Now, place the bowls around the infested areas. The flies will immediately be attracted to this mixture and drown right after landing in the bowls. After a day or two, be sure to clean everything out and dispose of all the dead flies.
    7. Electric Fly Swatters
    Electric fly swatters are one of the best inventions on the market for those who are surrounded by flies and want an immediate termination method. These swatters are typically shaped like small tennis racquets and emit a white UV light that attracts the insects to the device, which makes it an easy way to catch them since you don’t have to worry about running around and chasing them. The electric swatter kills the bugs right on contact and drops them into a collection tray, or right on top of the floor where they can be easily swept up and away. Don’t worry, these tools come with a protective layer on the outside that prevents people and pets from getting hurt if they accidentally touch the surface of the swatter. The electric part is within the inner wires, so only something as small as a fly can even come in direct contact with it. This Elucto Electric Fly Zapper is one of the most popular and is also useful for getting rid of mosquitoes and other annoying bugs. 
    8. Lemongrass Oil Repellent
    Flies hate the smell of lemongrass, which means that it is yet another fantastic natural resource for eliminating flies from your home and garden. To get the most out of this technique, heat up about a half cup of water and add in about 20 to 25 drops of pure lemongrass oil. Put it all in a spray bottle and spray all of your doors, windows, and infested surfaces. Not only does this mixture repel flies in a very effective way, but it also will make your home smell good and give it an aroma with a hint of fresh citrus.
    9. Citronella Smoke
    Even though citronella candles are known for being a great mosquito repellent, it’s been found that they are equally effective for getting rid of flies too. Flies hate smoke, and with the added scent of the citronella candle flies will soon scatter. Camphor candles or oil works just as well as any citronella product, but both of these are highly recommended for indoor and outdoor fly problems. It’s helpful to allow the candles to work up to half an hour prior to sitting or working around an area that you might think is infested with these insects.
    10. Sugar Water Trip with Paper Cone
    This natural method for getting rid of flies is one of the easiest, most cost effective, and simplest to put together. All you need is a jar with a little bit of sugar water on the bottom, and a paper cone to insert inside the jar upside down. First, cut a small hole in the tip of the cone before putting it in the jar, and make sure that it isn’t touching the liquid at all. Then leave the trap where you believe it will attract most flies, and as they go down the cone towards the sugar water they will not be able to get back out again, trapping them inside the jar. It’s good to change out the jars and empty them out every couple of days until you feel that all the flies have been eliminated.

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