How to get 8 Packs At Home In 1 Week

Abs workout 1: Unilateral powerhouse
This one is great for targeting the deep core muscles and emphasizes good posture.
Do three rounds of the following workout:
- 20 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
- 20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press with a twist (each side)
- 8 Split Squats (each side)
- 30 Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges (each side)
- 8 Single-leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise (weight in hand of the working leg), each side
- 15 Single-leg Deadlift with Upright Row (each side)
- Side plank with 15 dumbbell flyes, each side

Abs workout 2: No-crunch workout
There’s so much stabilizing going on here, your entire core will be burning way more than your abs do after a hundred crunches.
Do three rounds of the following:
- 20 Lying Bicycle Crunches with Overhead Dumbbell (hold the weight just off the ground, but don’t let it touch)
- 10 Pushups
- 1-minute Side Plank
- 20 Supermans
- Side Plank with 15 Dumbbell Flyes (each side)
- Forearm Plank Series: Hold a plank for 15 seconds in each position:
– Forearm plank
– Right leg lifted
– Left leg lifted
– Right arm back to hip
– Left arm back to hip
– Right arm and left leg lifted
– Left arm and right leg lifted
– Forearm plank

Abs workout 3: Cardio core shred
Get your blood pumping (and the calories burning) with this high-energy workout.
Do three rounds of the following circuit. Rest for one minute between sets:
- 20 Skater Lunges
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Burpees
- 20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins (alternating sides)
- 1-minute Side Planks
- 20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder knee-ins

Abs workout 4: Plank variations
Because holding still in a simple forearm plank for an eternity is both boring and counterproductive, most people lose form after a minute, causing strain on their back. This routine keeps you moving so you keep seeing results sans the back pain. Bonus: No equipment needed.
Do the following plank series twice, resting between series:
- 15 Forearm Side Plank with “Thread the Needle” (curl top arm under and back up), each side
- 10 Pushups to Straight-arm Side Plank
- 1-minute Side Plank
- Forearm Planks with 20 Toe Taps (do all 20 with one foot then switch sides)
- Forearm Plank with 20 Side-to-Side Hip Dips
- 20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins
- 20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder Knee-ins
- 15 Forearm Side Plank with “Thread the Needle”

Abs workout 5: Standing abs workout
You don’t have to take all your core work lying down. Do three rounds of the following circuit:
- 20 Dumbbell Chops (each side)
- Plank with 20 Knee-ins (do all on one side, hold last one for 5 breaths, then switch)
- 8 Forward Lunges
- 8 Single-leg Squats with Dumbbell Lateral Raise (weight on same side as working leg), each side
- 12 Dumbbell Overhead Press (hold one weight in both hands by the bells), each side
- 20 Dumbbell Swings (hold from one bell with both hands; swing like a kettlebell)

Abs workout 6: Bodyweight abs workout
No equipment? No problem. Do three rounds of this circuit:
- 20 Butterfly Kicks (done lying on your back)
- 20 Crunches
- 20 Russian Twists
- 20 Elbow-to-Knee Crunches
- 20 Butterfly Situps (soles of feet together, knees out to the side)
- 20 Side-to-Side Knee Drops (on back, knees bent up in a right angle)
- 20 Crunches
- 20 Butterfly Kicks (done lying on your back)

Abs workout 7: Anti-flexion workout
These moves work by forcing your body to resist flexing forward, to make the core muscles more stable. Do three rounds of the following:
- 20 Supermans
- 20 Dumbbell Pullovers (you can also do this with a medicine ball, as shown)
- Forearm Planks with 20 Toe Taps on each side (do all 20 with one foot, then switch)
- Side Planks with 20 Leg Pendulums (each side)
- 20 Prone Reverse Crunches (face down, place hands behind head and raise chest off the ground, toes stay down)
- Side Plank with 15 Dumbbell Flyes, each side
- 1-minute Forearm Plank
- 20 Supermans

Abs workout 8: Deep V workout
The aim of this one: to create that deep-V definition in your abs. Do three rounds of the following circuit:
- 12 Lying Alternating Leg Lifts (each side)
- 20 Supine Reverse Crunches with Overhead Dumbbell (hold the weight right above the ground, and raise your legs up to a reverse crunch)
- 20 Bicycle Crunches (make sure to fully extend your legs)
- 10 Inchworms (hold briefly in plank position)
- 20 Knee-to-Shoulder Knee-ins
- 20 Knee-to-Opposite-Shoulder Knee-ins

Abs workout 9: 5-minute abs circuit
For when you’re short on time but not on motivation. Do three to five rounds of the following:
- 20 Dumbbell Pullovers
- 20 Bicycles with Full Leg Extension
- Forearm Plank with 20 Side-to-Side Hip Dips

Abs workout 10: Rotational power workout
Twisting—or, really, learning to control against a twist—is an advanced technique but essential for improving core power. After a warmup, do two rounds of the following circuit:
- 8 Forward Lunges with Dumbbell Twist, (each side hold dumbbell from its bells and bring weight across front knee)
- 12 Dumbbell Overhead Press with a twist (each side)
- 20 Dumbbell Renegade Rows
- 10 Pushups to Straight-arm Side Plank
- 15 Forearm Side Plank with “thread the needle,” each side
- 20 Dumbbell Chops, each side
- 10 Side-to-side Dumbbell Chops (staggered feet, chop, then as you bring weight back up, pivot on feet 180 degrees before chopping again)
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