REALLY Interesting things to do When You are Bored
Throw a small party
Create a photo collage of you and friends
Listen to some music
Call your Best Friend and talk about old memories
Watch your GF/BF’s old videos
Go to the nearest supermarket and observe new things
Watch funny videos on YouTube
Shop something online
Try reading books
Cleanup your room
Play with your pets
Have a relaxing bath.
Create a video and upload online.
Dance like crazy
Surf articles on internet that spark your interest.
Write some blog.
Have a makeover.
Read a novel.
Video games.
Cook a new recipe.
Start thinking how to save money.
Think about organizing your closet.
Think Where you will spend your money
Plan a weekend
Some other methods
Being bored is just a state of mind . If you love what you are doing you will never get bored. Here are some things that I like to do when I get bored….
YouTube is a huge world where you can watch videos on anything and everything . My favorite website (besides quora of course). Some of my favorite youtubers to watch -

There are many youtube channels ….Choose the ones that match your interests.
Stop being a couch potato . Go out and explore the places around you . Go hiking , cycling , jogging, swimming or any other activity which would keep you physically active . You can even play sports of your choice .Trust me it wont just get you out of your boredom but will help you become physically and mentally sound.


4 ) READ A BOOK !!!!
Books are a great way of keeping you entertained . If you have the habit of reading books you will never be bored . If you dont have the habit its never too late to develop one.Grab a good book and get lost in its magical world -
Some good authors - Cassandra Clare, J.K Rowling , Suzanne Collins , Veronica Roth, Sidney Sheldon , John Grisham , Khaled Hosseini .

Alone time is great but talking to friends , family is equally fun. Call someone you haven't spoken for a while . Invite them over for dinner or go hangout somewhere with them . Spending time with your loved ones is really enjoyable and fun . If you are daring enough then go out and socialise with strangers . Talking to people will help your social skills and also give you knowledge on a whole lot of things plus, its FUN!!!

Bored? Put on your headphones , forget about the world and get lost in the amazing world of music. This is a great way to relax and calm your nerves . There are many sites where you can discover great music of different genres —

Pursue your interests be it dance, singing , reading , Sports ….. ANYTHING . Try to learn as much as you can about the things that you love . Join classes. Turn your hobbies into assets which will last with you forever . Join classes … this way you can do the things that you love and can also make new friends , But make sure that joining classes in turn doesn't result in you loathing the things that you loved before.

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