Thursday, March 13.

Serious Risk of Teenager Pregnancy


Serious Risk of Teenager Pregnancy 

1. Anemia:

  • Anemia is the condition in which there is a severe deficiency of iron in the body. Some other things that could also lead to anemia during pregnancy are a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body.
  • Another reason that could also lead to anemia during pregnancy is any blood disorders such as sickle cell diseases, which is often inherited.

2. High Blood Pressure:

  • Blood pressure is the force that is put against the walls of your arteries by the flow of blood. When the blood pressure level goes higher than 140 mm Hg systolic (the top number in the reading) or 90 mm Hg diastolic (the lower number in the reading), it means that it is a case of high blood pressure.
  • Having high blood pressure during the pregnancy months can be very dangerous for both the mother and the unborn baby. When you develop high blood pressure during pregnancy, it is also known as gestational hypertension.

3. Premature Birth:

  • While not all premature births lead to complications, there are some very significant health risks associated with premature deliveries in general. When a baby is born before the due date, there can be complications with the baby’s breathing as the newborn’s respiratory system will not have developed properly.
  • If the baby’s lungs are still not able to expand properly, it can lead to a condition known as respiratory distress syndrome and cause more trouble in breathing. A premature baby is also at a high risk of contracting bronchopulmonary dysplasia, which is a type of chronic lung disease. Sometimes, the newborn may also develop a condition known as apnea, in which there is a pause in the baby’s breathing pattern.
  • Premature birth can also put the newborn at risk of various heart problems, the most common one being patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) as well as low blood pressure, also known as hypotension. Even though the heart disease may get well itself, if it is not treated on time, it can lead to life-threatening complications.
  • A premature birth also puts the baby at a high risk of suffering bleeding in the brain, a condition that is known as intraventricular hemorrhage. If the bleeding is more, it can lead to permanent brain injury.

4. Poor Nutrition:

  • As a teenage girl is still in the developing stages, her body will need a lot of nutrition to develop to its full potential.
  • If a teen girl falls pregnant, she will need lot more of the nutritious food that she would otherwise have needed for her growth and development, as her unborn baby will be dependent on her for nutrition too.
  • While some teen girls may be able to reach the required amount of weight that they should put on during their pregnancy, many are not able to do so.
  • Many teens are also very conscious about their body weight and often fall into the trap of eating disorders. If a teen is going through any eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia, it can be very dangerous for her health as well as the health of the unborn baby.

5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):

  • As teenagers go through a lot of raging hormones, they are also at an age where they experiment with their sexuality and are open to experiment with multiple partners.
  • If a teen girl has sex once she is pregnant, she may be at a high risk of developing some or the other sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
  • STDs can be very harmful to the pregnant teen’s health as well as for the health of the unborn baby.

6. Depression:

  • Many women who are pregnant go through depression, and it can be even more prominent in a teen girl. As the hormones are still going through a lot of changes in the teenage years, the hormonal chaos of pregnancy can add a lot of extra stress to the same. As a result, a teen girl who is pregnant can be at an extremely high risk of being overcome with depression.
  • While most bouts of depression may be easily cured with some love and support from the family; severe depression can be dangerous, especially if the teen develops suicidal thoughts or tries to harm herself.
  • Also, depression is not always easy to spot in a teen who is already battling so many hormonal changes, and the mood may come across as simple teenage moodiness. If a pregnant teen is depressed and does not take proper care of herself, it can cause severe health issues in the unborn baby too.

7. Improper Care:

  • In many cases, a teenage girl may not be aware of the best way to use protection while having sex.
  • As a result, she may not always be sure of whether or not she is pregnant, especially as she may be confusing the same signs and symptoms with that of her usual teenage years.
  • Prenatal care is extremely important for the health of both the mother and baby, but if your teen girl is not aware of it, she will miss out on important tests, medications and vaccinations. As a result, it could cause sufficient health issue in both the pregnant teen as well as the unborn baby.

What Are The Signs That Your Teen Is Pregnant?

  • Not having her monthly menstrual periods on time.
  • Need to urinate too frequently.
  • Sudden change in food preference or aversion to foods and tastes that your teen earlier enjoyed.
  • Sudden interest in new foods and tastes that your teen may earlier have not liked at all.
  • Feeling a sudden bout of nausea on smelling certain smells, especially those of certain foods.
  • Tenderness or soreness on the breasts when touching.
  • Heaviness in the breasts.
  • Feeling extremely tired and sleepy even when your teen is well rested and has slept.
  • Sudden increase in appetite or does not want to eat at all.
  • Frequent mood swings.

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