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    Tips to Make you Fasting much more Easier

    1. Drink lots of water.
    I’d aim for about 3 to 4 litres for a guy and for a girl 1.5 to 2 litres.

    2. Drink coffee and tea to keep your appetite at bay.
    Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant.  Just make sure you don’t drink about 10 hours towards your bed time.  It may be just me but I get too wired to have a good nights sleep when I drink coffee late in the day.

    3. Keep yourself busy and do meaningful work.
    I get my best work done while I don’t have food in my belly.  Sort like what the creator of Dilbert was talking about

    4. Get your best most productive work done in the morning.
    My best work is when I wake up early, do my morning ritual and tackle my first item on my to-do list.  You may not work from home but I’m pretty sure you’ll find that you can get half your days work done in the first couple of work hours.

    5. Make it flexible for you.
    Create your own schedule and have Intermittent Fasting work for you instead of the other way around.  This diet plan was made to create freedom.
    Not inhibit it.

    6. Give it a good go for at least 3 weeks.
    This is the amount of time you can determine if IF is for you.
    You didn’t “try” IF until you have given your body the time it needs to adapt and that usually takes anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.

    7. Play around with Intermittent Fasting.
    That’s what she said.
    No really, play around with the “timing” of your eating schedule. Some people work best with 12pm, 4pm, 8pm. Others work by a 2pm, 6pm, 10pm.
    Some do Warrior Dieting where they have two meals a day. Test different things, see what works for you and go from there.

    9. Best way to integrate Intermittent Fasting into your lifestyle is to slowly delay your breakfast.
    Take an hour here. And hour there. Slowly delay it to gently work it into your life until you reach a time you can live with. For me it is around 2pm.

    10. Don’t tell people you are fasting.
    Even though IF is catching steam as an actual way of eating, there are still a lot of skeptics/uneducated people out there who have no idea about the Benefits of IF. Keep it to yourself especially when you are starting.

    11. Drink water first thing in the morning.
    Most of the time when we feel hungry in the morning it is usually because we haven’t had a sip of water for the past 8 hours.  A good weight loss habit to adopt is to drink at least half a litre of water upon waking.

    13. Workout with some heavy weights you.  Wimp.
    From a pure vanity perspective there is no point of fasting if you don’t intend to workout with weights.  You need to build muscle to take advantage of all the benefits that come along with Intermittent Fasting.

    14. Live it up.
    Go crazy when you want. This is about freedom and lifestyle. Just know you have to make up for it calorically during the next day or two.

    15. Get out of the house.
    There is too much temptation.
    I’m a bachelor so it’s a little easy for me than it is for the mom of 2 who has to feed her family.  But you can always get creative and do something active together while you are on a fast.

    16. Get copious amounts of protein in each and every single meal.
    More protein leads to greater appetite control and build da musclez.
    Also, It is just in our nature to be carnivorous. Back in the caveman days we used to eat Mastodans and Sabretooth Tigers.
    There was no such thing as a vegetarian caveman.

    17. The secret to getting control of your eating habits and live the ultimate Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle is….
    Do not use Intermittent Fasting as an excuse to eat CRAP.
    A calorie is not a calorie.
    100 calories of a mars bar is not the same as 100 calories of broccoli.
    Get real with yourself and catch yourself in the moment when you find yourself cheating.  Eat whole foods, keep carbs to the post workout window, fill up with veggies and eat your meats.

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