1. Focus
on your breathing
Make yourself
take ten slow, deep breaths. The extra oxygen will give you a bit of a high,
soothing you. The activity also changes your focus.
Take a step back
If you have
the opportunity to put some distance between yourself and a stressor, do it.
Wait for your emotions to cool down. Where possible, avoid scheduling
potentially emotional meetings until after the dust has cleared.
3. Distract
yourself with pain or other sensations
Some people
suggest biting the inside of your cheek, or digging a fingernail into the palm
of your hand. Another trick is to hold an ice cube to your wrist or run it
under really cold water. Do whatever you safely can to shift the focus of your attention—hopefully enough to
avoid shedding tears. The key is to create a sensation intense enough to
distract from the emotional distress.
Use props
Prepare an
agenda for your meeting—a physical piece of paper that you can set on the desk
in front of you or hold in your hands. If that doesn't fit the situation, carry
a legal pad or your PDA to take notes. Look down with the pretense of jotting
notes; read from them if you find yourself choked up.
Let yourself get angry
Is your
tendency toward tears in a professional setting coming from a discomfort with
your own anger? Girls are not often socialized to express anger or engage in
conflict. Our childhood habits are hard to unlearn, but we can teach ourselves
new skills as adults. Allow yourself to get angry. More comfort with conflict
may mean fewer tears.
Try behavioral modification
The general
idea of behavioral therapy is to pay more attention to problem thoughts and
behaviors, so that you can habituate better ways to deal with them. If you
notice a behavior pattern—say, you always tear up before meetings with your
boss—practice implementing coping mechanisms. If classical music calms you
down, get in the habit of popping in your headphones 15 minutes before the
start of predictably tough meetings.
You control
your emotional responses. You are empowered by that control. The more you can
reinforce this message to yourself, the more successfully you may manage your
responses to stressful situations.
Do it for somebody else
Reframing a personal
confrontation as a confrontation on behalf of someone else can make it easier
for women to overcome stressful situations. In this vein, getting past
ourselves and our own insecurities can get us past a lot of tears.
8. Walk away
Walking away from a situation, it can be a helpful way to stop
getting worked up and bursting into tears. Getting too angry, upset, or
frustrated can cause crying so removing themselves and returning when calmer
can help a person regain control.
9. Use words
Failure to communicate properly can lead to anger and
frustration, which can trigger the urge to cry. Learning how to express
feelings clearly, staying calm, and using words can help to keep tears at bay.
10. Have props and use distractions
Having something to scribble on, a stress ball, or
something to look at visually may be of use when heading into a situation that
could trigger crying. Distraction is another popular technique. Focusing on an
activity or task, listening to uplifting music or starting a conversation can
also be helpful.
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