How to get rid of pimples on forehead

1. Over-the-Counter Solutions
On the market, there are some over-the-counter products which can effectively help you get rid of forehead acne. Combine them with natural remedies and you will soon be satisfied with the way your forehead looks.
Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most commonly used substance for acne. It will kill the bacteria which are responsible for acne and it will clean clogged skin pores from the dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum.
You can choose from concentrations that range from 2.5% to 10%. However, always start with the lower percentage of benzoyl peroxide as it’s quite a strong substance, which may at the beginning irritate your skin. It’s an absolutely normal reaction of your skin, but if you don’t like the feeling of discomfort on your skin, apply moisturizing cream on it.
2. Coriander Paste
Coriander juice is a less known remedy for acne, but it actually should as it’s a wonderful source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins K, C, A, and from group B. If your skin is dry and irritated, it will effectively moisturize it. Coriander juice will be even more powerful when it’s accompanied by mint juice and turmeric powder.
Mix small amounts of all the ingredients so that they form a thick paste. Apply it like a mask on your forehead and wait until it dries. Then wash it off with warm water and moisturize your skin with good cream. If you apply the paste in the evening, you will see in the morning that the pimples on your head are less visible.
3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is another inexpensive solution to acne. It can wonderfully clean your skin and eliminate blackheads, large pores, or oily skin on your forehead.
Add a little amount of water to one tablespoon of baking soda so that you get a thick paste. Apply it on your forehead like a mask. If there is acne on other parts of your face, you can apply it on the whole of your face.
4. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice has amazing antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, which make it a wonderful remedy to acne. What’s more, you should also try it if you have some acne scars or dark spots on the skin as it can effectively fade them thanks to its bleaching properties.
Just squeeze a lemon to get fresh juice and use it as a toner for your skin in the morning and in the evening. Apply it with the use of a cotton pad before you put your moisturizing cream. Remember, though, that lemon juice may irritate your skin. If that happens, mix it with some water to make it milder.
5. Milk or Yogurt
A very good option for acne on the forehead or other parts of the body is washing it with milk. It’s important, though, that the milk is unpasteurized as only then it preserves its wonderful qualities. After a few days of a regular user, you should see that the blackheads are reduced, the pimples are smaller, and your skin is well moisturized.
Optionally, you can also use natural yogurt in the form of a mask. Just apply it on your face and leave it for about fifteen minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Natural yogurt will make your skin soft and well hydrated.
6. Garlic
You can also prepare a mask from garlic as it can effectively eliminate bacteria, which are responsible for acne on your forehead.
You only need to mash two or three garlic cloves and apply it on your face. Rinse it off with warm water after about fifteen minutes. It’s recommended to use the mask in the evening as garlic has a very intense smell.
Remember also to moisturize your face with cream for sensitive skin. You should notice that after the first application your acne on forehead significantly reduced.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to prepare your own toner. It will give your skin a consistent color and a smooth feel, it will also prepare it for the cream application. Just mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two glasses of water.
Use the toner twice a day, after you cleaned your skin with a mild soap or cleanser. Apply it on your face with the use of a cotton pad or a cotton ball. If you’ve got the impression that the toner is too harsh for your skin or it irritates it, just use a larger amount of water. Use it every day and you should quickly get rid of your forehead acne.
8. Steaming
Another cheap and easy method to clean the skin pores from all the accumulated dirt and bacteria. You only need to pour some hot water into a bowl and lean over it for around fifteen minutes. Cover your head with a towel so that the steam will go directly into your face. You can also add some essential oils to the water.
The steam treatment will open your clogged pores so it would be great if you used peeling or mask once you dry your face. Do it once a week and you will see that the acne on your forehead has reduced.
9. Essential Oils
You may think that using oils for oily skin is not a good idea, but essential oils can actually fantastically regulate the production of sebum. The essential oils which will be particularly beneficial for acne skin include lavender oil, bergamot oil, oregano oil, tea tree oil, and rosemary oil.
They are natural antioxidants, they will wonderfully moisturize your skin, and will kill the bacteria responsible for acne on your forehead. They are also very easy to use.
10. Egg Whites
Probably one of the cheapest methods, which you can start trying at once as for sure you’ve got the powerful ingredient in your fridge. A mask made of egg whites can effectively reduce forehead acne. What’s more, it will also tone the color of the skin and make it firm.
Just whip two or three egg whites in a bowl until they have a texture of thick foam. For even better results add there a little bit of honey or freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Apply the mixture on a clean face, except mouth, nose, and eyes. Wait about fifteen minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Once you dry your face, apply your regular cream. If you put the mask in the evening, you should see the first results in the morning.
Note: A Pimple is a natural thing which mostly depends on the gene and age. So nothing to worry about it. It will automatically vanish over time. Follow the tips above to fasten the time.
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