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    Improve your English | Top 10 Advice

    1. Watch television and films in English

     Not only do Britain and the USA produce some of the best TV shows and films in the world, but you can learn English whilst watching them. If you’re still getting to grips with the language at any level (from beginner to upper intermediate) then it’s worth putting the English subtitles on so that you can read along and listen at the same time.
    You can also listen to English radio stations and find plenty of listening sources on the internet. Another idea would be to put English subtitles on films or television programmes from your own country so that you can read along with them in English and make the translations as you go.

    2. Read English books/newspapers

    Reading is a great way of practising your English in your own time. You can take one word at a time at your own pace, without your teacher peering over your shoulder. If you’re studying at a beginner to intermediate level, pick up a children’s book where the language will be easier than an adult book.
    Newspapers are also worth reading. Not only can you improve your English but you’ll learn about local and national goings on, which can be handy when communicating with native speakers. Free newspapers and magazines, as well as tabloid-style newspapers which use more basic language, are perhaps better for low level speakers.

    3. Label things in your house

    This is a quick and cheap way of improving your knowledge of the vocabulary of everyday items in your home. All you need to do is buy a pack of labels and then write the name of items in your home on them, such as phone, window, mirror etc. Every time you use these objects you’ll read the word and embed it into your memory. This is great for low level learners.

    4. Make notes of new vocabulary

    Whenever you learn a new word, whether in the classroom or when you’re out and about, make sure you make a note of it. Whenever you have some free time, you can practise what you’ve learned. You could even do this on your phone so you needn’t carry around a notebook with you. 
    It’s also worth making a note of the translation into your own language and any unusual phonological aspects of the word.

    5. Surround yourself with English speakers

    If you just spend your time outside of the classroom with people from your own country, you’ll miss out on a big chance to practise English. If you try to befriend other English speakers, you’ll be forced into speaking the English language. You’ll also pick up things like slang and conversational English that you’re unlikely to learn in the classroom.
    If you struggle to find English speakers, at least try and spend time with people off your course that are from countries other than your own. This way, you will still have to speak English.

    6. Figure out your best time to learn

    Are you a morning or afternoon person? If you can work out when your brain is at its sharpest then you should cram in your language learning at this time. Some people work best first thing in the morning and switch off after lunchtime, while for others it takes a while to get going every day.
    Think about when you function best and plan your learning to suit this. For example, there’s no point taking lessons that run late into the night when you’re likely to easily lose concentration.

    7. Listen to British and American music

    In addition to watching films and TV, listening to music is another great and fun way of improving your grasp of a language. There’s an almost endless amount of music out there to choose from, with most tracks having lyrics easily available online.
    You could listen to a song a day and read the lyrics along to it. If you come across any language that you don’t understand then research it. If you’re at a low level then perhaps go for some slower folk, country or acoustic music, which often has lyrics that are slower and easier to understand.
    Once you’re feeling more confident you could go for some rap music, which is generally a lot quicker and harder to understand.

    8. Language swap

    In addition to learning English in class, you could find somebody who is keen to learn your own language and exchange information with them. Being able to speak a language is a gift and, whatever your mother tongue, there will be somebody out there that wants to learn it.
    You can meet up and give each other work, swap knowledge and help each other progress. This is a great way of continuing your learning outside of the classroom while also saving money.

    9. Practise English whenever you can

    It’s incredibly important that you don’t leave your English learning inside the classroom. Make an effort to go to the library and study your notes, read and write in English, and speak to English nationals and other English speakers.
    When you’re in bed at night, look over your English notes from the day and try to memorise some vocabulary as you’re falling asleep. The first thing you do in the morning while you’re eating your cereal could be to learn a couple of new words. Make sure you never escape learning.

    10. Record yourself and your lesson

    Make the most of the recorder on your smartphone and practise pronunciation. This is a good way of learning pronunciation because you might know it when you first hear it then forget it later.
    Although your teacher might not like you to do this, and you should always get their permission, it can be useful to record lessons. As you travel home or fall asleep you can listen to it. It’s a great way to revise the information and practise listening, as well as nail down some pronunciation.

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