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    Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

    10 Best Disadvantage of Internet 
    1.Extra Expense
    In today’s world nothing is free, even hen you think it is. The expenses which you pay for the electricity bills because of the gadgets you use.

    2.Social Disconnect

    On the internet you can easily get everything and therefore an individual gets isolated from the outside world and isolation is never good. It is possible that may not be able to notice but your love for the internet can make your friends lose you gradually.

    3. Unhealty

    In the olden times people used to go outside their house for entertainment however, now they just sit in front of their computer systems and play something on internet. In this way you can gain weight, it also puts effect on your vision.

    4. Personal Information

    When you shop on the internet, there is always a risk of theft of personal information which can lead to a big loss of time as well as money. You can never be sure fully that your personal information is safe.

    5. Pornography 

    It is one of the biggest disadvantages of the internet. Pornography can obviously put a very bad effect on children and the bad part is that it so easily accessible on the internet that sometimes it becomes difficult for the parents to keep check on their kids.

    6. Spamming 

    Spamming is also one of the most irritating aspects of the internet. This can be imagined only by checking your e mail, see how many unwanted e mails are available in your inbox.

    7. Cheating 

    Today, students are using this excellent information source for cheating. For instance when they have to write their school paper, they just copy past from the internet. Moreover, during their assessment in school they just browse on the internet for answers.

    8. Unreliable 

    Today, there are many people who have to rely on the internet. However, no one is unaware of the fact that internet can stop its proper functioning at anytime. It slows down if there is some problem in connection and it just stops.

    9. Addiction 

    The addiction of the internet is also one of the serious issues which most of the people face. Everyone thinks that they will stay online on social networking websites for the minimum time however; they end up losing their sleep.

    10. Miscommunication 

    There are many times that one can interpret a different meaning of your words on the internet only because of miscommunication. Therefore, the traditional communication of one on one communication is considered as best.
    These are some of the disadvantages of the internet, however if you use internet in a right way then it can be on e of the best ways to achieve your goals of life.

    10 Best Advantage of Internet

    1.  Assortment of Information

    Lots of information of different kinds is kept on the web server on the Net.  This means that millions web sites include various data in the shape of images and text.  On every subject of the planet information can be easily collected by you.
    For this function, special sites, called search engines can be found on the Internet to search data of each and every subject of the planet.

    2.  Online Medical Guidance

    Several web sites will also be on the Web to obtain details about various conditions.  You are able to consult with a cell of on-line physicians to obtain guidance about any medical problem.  In addition, lots of material can also be on the Web for research in medical industry.

    3.  Looking for Jobs

    You are able to search various kinds of jobs throughout their vacant vacancies are advertised by the world, Most of the organizations/departments around the world, on the web.
    The search engines will also be employed to search the jobs on the web.  You are able to make an application for the necessary work through the Web.

    4.  Communication

    You are able to keep in touch with other through Internet all over the world.  You could speak by seeing to 1 another; only you’re speaking with your pals in your drawing room.
    For this function, various services are supplied on the Internet such as; speaking, video conferencing, Email and Internet telephone an such like.

    5.  Information

    The Web enables students to see the most recent news on a particular topic they’re learning.  If they’re learning American politics they may do an information search and discover what is happening on the planet of politics at that very time.
    It will help them link what they’re understanding how to real life. Additionally, it may keep them thinking about a topic.

    6.  Online Training

    The facility is provided by the internet to obtain an online training.  Several web sites of different colleges offer lessons and classes on different subjects or subjects.  You may also obtain these classes or lessons in your personal computer.
    You are able to hear these classes repeatedly and obtain a large amount of understanding.  It’s very simple and cheap method to get training.

    7.  Encyclopedia

    Occasionally, encyclopedia mightn’t constantly be accessible to individuals and so they might have trouble with in getting the use of the actual guides within the selection.
    If that’s the case, the encyclopedia of various topics on the Web could be useful.

    8.  Online Railway and Airplane Schedules

    Today, railway and several Airline businesses offer their timing of trains and routes respectively on the web.

    9.  Online Results

    Today, all of the training boards and colleges present result on the web.  Their results can be watched by the students from any kind of nation or world.

    10.  Advertisement

    Today, products are advertised by most of the commercial organizations through Internet.  It’s effective and inexpensive method for the marketing of goods.
    The services and products could be given lovely and attractive method to the people round the world.

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